What you will need:
Paper plates
Red, yellow, and orange paint
Googly Eyes (500 pieces?! So many eyes!)
Feathers (Another 500 piece set! I’m going to need to think of some more projects!)
Yellow and black felt (These mini pieces are perfect for cutting things out!)
Pom poms (2000?! Oh the possibilities!)
Black pipe cleaners (A variety pack!)
This “animal” is from the book Put Me in the Zoo, and the idea for the craft came from raisinglittlesuperheroes. Simply let your child “paint” the plate. Then depending on how old your child is, you can let them glue on the pom poms, eyes, and ears (yellow felt), but since my little man is only six months, I hot glued them on. The hot glue really kept everything on, even with little man’s tugging, pulling, and crumpling! Haha!
The parrot was little man’s favorite! He really loved the feathers! The plate was “painted” by little man. The beak is yellow felt, and everything was hot glued on again.
To make the tiger, little man “painted” the plate, then I drew lines where I wanted the stripes to be. After that, I cut up pipe cleaners and hot glued them on top of the lines. Also, the nose is a black pom pom.
So the zebra was a little hard to make, haha! It looks more like a cat, but I never said I had the best crafting skills!! The stripes, nose, and ears are made of black felt. All glued on with hot glue.
One quick reminder: Please watch your child while they play with these. After playing with them so many times, little man managed to break pieces of the feathers off, so just be mindful! 🙂 I hope your little one enjoys these as much as mine did!