Learning Land

Toddler School Introduction

Welcome to the introduction of my Toddler School! Here, I will be explaining what to expect from my homeschool in the coming months!

* When I originally wrote this post, I only had my one son, Little Man. I am now currently editing all of my school activities to complete with my second son, Little Dude! Little Man was a young two when he completed the all the activities, and Little Dude is currently one. So hopefully this gives you an idea if my activities will work well for your child. *

My Method of Teaching:

I am sure if you have a little one at home and spend any time on Pinterest looking for activities, you have come across the term “tot school.” As far as I can tell, the idea came from Carisa at http://www.1plus1plus1equals1.com/totschool.html, and it is simply a way of teaching through play.

My goal is to introduce my sons to a variety of topics throughout the year. No official “teaching” is involved. I just provide materials and guide their play during my chosen activities. If they chose to complete the activity, great! If not, that’s okay! Also, if they choose to play with my materials in a different way than intended, that’s okay too! It’s all about spending time with your child and having fun!

It is my plan to introduce a new theme each week. If your child would happen to really like a topic, I encourage you to search for more activities and continue as long as they show an interest! I will provide weekly calendar at the beginning of each post so that you can easily follow along throughout the week! You can also grab a BLANK, FREE, EDITABLE copy from my Teachers Pay Teachers site!

My topics for the year are listed here, so you have an idea of what to expect! The topics are listed January through December, however, I plan to start teaching in September. Feel free to choose any order you like!

What to Expect Each Week:

My activities are going to be short, but there will still be a focus on literacy, S.T.E.M., motor, and music; with a few other fun things thrown in!

Each week I will have a books that are based on the weekly theme. These are books that I already have, or I can pick up at my local library! I highly recommend going to the library. They are an excellent resource for many things, not just books! An example of my themed book basket is shown below, and these are available all day.

Toddler school introduction themed book basket

The S.T.E.M. activities will be science, technology, engineering, or math. These activities may not always be child-led, but I think fun will be had, regardless! 🙂

My motor activities will focus on both fine motor and gross motor. And my music activities will be songs and rhymes!

The other fun things that I mentioned can be anything, but will likely focus on art, sensory, or cooking.

I hope you enjoy learning with us! Remember, the most important thing is to have fun!

Please look for my first theme, starting the first week of September! 🙂

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